
Our vehicle donation program is currently open and operational.

We want to assure you that we take the health and safety of donors, drivers, and our associates very seriously, and we are closely monitoring the Coronavirus (COVID-19) situation. We are still able to pick up vehicles; however, please be aware there may be delays. We have also requested drivers to practice safe and secure interactions with donors, including minimizing contact.

Should you have any questions, our Vehicle Donation Support Team is available seven days a week by phone at 844-6-SIERRA (844-674-3772) or via email at donorsupport@careasy.org. Thank you!


Simply fill out our form, or call us today.
We'll pick up your vehicle at no cost to you.




14 million tons of steel salvaged

Recycling 13 million automobiles in a year recovers 14 million tons of recycled steel, saving enough energy to power 18 million households for one year.


85 million barrels of oil saved

翻墙用Twitter的这1000万中国人,他伊在关注些什么? - 知乎:2021-7-7 · 前日媒体曝出指 Twitter 的中国使用者有 1000 万人。对于 Twitter 而言这其实是一个较少的数字,不过这也意味着起码有 1000 万个中国人使用 VPN 翻墙的上网限制。 早前曾有报告指中国的 Twitter 用户高达 3550 万…


24 million gallons of motor oil reused

2 million gallons of water can be contaminated with just 1 gallon of motor oil. Each year, the automotive recycling industry ensures an estimated 24 million gallons of motor oil is reused and not wasted.

Pollution image. 75 percent of all pollution produced by automobiles comes from cars overe 13 years old, and every year, about 15 million automobiles reach the end of their vehicle life.

Reduce pollution

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Stadiums made with recycled steel image. 86 percent of a vehicle ccan be reused or used for energy recoverey. For example recycling all the filters sold in the U.S. every year recovers 160,000 tons of steel. That is enoush steel to make 16 new baseball stadiums.

160,000 tons of steel recovered

86% of a vehicle can be reused or used for energy recovery. For example, recycling all the filters sold in the U.S. every year recovers 160,000 tons of steel. That's enough steel to make 16 new baseball stadiums.

Making a car donation is EASY!

It's as easy as filling out the online donation form or picking up a phone and speaking to a live Donor Support Representatives.

Donate your vehicle and support the charitable programs of a participating Sierra Club Chapter, sponsored by Sierra Club Foundation.

If you have any questions just call one of our friendly operators toll-free at 844-6-SIERRA (844-674-3772) seven days a week.
